Pre-Release Publications
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Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 2013; 66(7):703-705. from PLOS Medicine Website
Call to RECORD: the need for complete reporting of research using routinely collected health data.
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Clinical Epidemiology 2013; 5: 29-31
Setting the RECORD straight: developing a guideline for the REporting of studies Conducted using Observational Routinely collected Data.
Post-Release Publications (co-authored by RECORD committee members)
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Sexually Transmitted Infections 2016;92(1):2-3
Routinely collected electronic health data and STI research: RECORD extension to the STROBE guidelines.
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Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 2016;46(3):126-127, A1-A5
Improving the Reporting of Studies Using Routinely Collected Health Data in Physical Therapy
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Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research 2016;5(2)
Better research reporting to improve the utility of routine data for making better treatment decisions
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British Journal of Dermatology 2016; 174: 477-80
The need to improve reporting of routinely collected dermatology data for patient benefit.
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Other Relevant Commentaries
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PLOS Medicine 2015;12(11):e1001910
From Checklists to Tools: Lowering the Barrier to Better Research Reporting
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CMAJ 2016; doi:10.1503/cmaj.151470
Guiding the reporting of studies that use routinely collected health data
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Journal of Japanese Society for Quality and Safety in Healthcare) 2017; 12(4): 413-417
日々の診療情報を用いた研究報告の質向上への提案−RECORD:The REporting of studies Conducted using Observational Routinely-collected health Data (日々観察されて集められている診療情報を用いた研究の報告基準) の日本語版について−
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Journal of Japanese Society for Quality and Safety in Healthcare) 2019; 14(2): 133-138
日々の診療情報を用いた研究報告の質向上への提案2-RECORD-PE: The REporting of studies Conducted using Observation Routinely collected health Data statement for Phamacoepidemiology (日常的に観察されて集められる健康情報を用いて行われる薬剤疫学研究の報告に関する声明)の日本語版について